October 30, 2006
Well, yesterday (October 29th here,) and today (October 29th back home), Daylight savings time started in Canberra and ended in the U.S. I still haven’t gotten used to the time difference and since I have spring forward by one hour and the U.S. has fallen backward, I am now 16 hours ahead of the Eastern Time zone back home. I am now enjoying the long days that come with a 6:00am sunrise and a 7:30pm sunset, for a grand total of 13.5 hour days, with 14.5 hours of visible sunlight. Only three more weeks until everything flips back into the short, cold, dark days of winter as I hop back over to the Northern Hemisphere. I’m not too excited about the cold or the short days, but I am definitely looking forward to being home! Time to start counting down the days… :)
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