July 1, 2006

Today I slept in until about 9:00am. My energy was really low when I got up, and I felt pretty weak. I bought a $5.50 continental breakfast in the cafe of the hostel, and drank about 4 glasses of orange juice (I felt really dehydrated!), then had two slices of toast with butter and jam, and some berry yogurt (w

Later in the morning and early afternoon I went for a walk and visited the Canberra Museum and Gallery which is a block away from the hostel. I looked at the displays in the galleries, and one of them, "collages" by this one dude

I bought some "staminade" (cheap gatorade) at the grocery store, an some crackers, orange juice, and canned food that I figured would be safe to eat being that I'm not feeling too good. I then

My roommates in the hostel as of this evening are an older (gray hair, etc.) guy named John from New Zealand, a younger (30ish) Polynesian guy from New Zealand (he's an IT dude that works for the Aussie gov't), and a my-agish guy from Ireland named Joe, who has a perfect Irish accent. The younger New Zealander slept on the bunk above me last night, and he's a little heavier, and moves a lot, so whenever he moved it moved the whole bunk. :-x. It will be nice to have my own single when I get to University of Canberra.
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