Saturday, July 08, 2006

June 30, 2006

ThA veiw of Glebe Park just after entering through the city entranceis morning I went for a walk to the nearest park (Glebe Park), about 2 blocks away, and used my binoculars and camera to observe birds. I didn't have a bird guide yet, so I took some pictures and memorized what I saw. I knew some birds from looking at pictures before. For example, I saw a couple eastern rosellas, and at once I knew what they were, because they are one of my favorite parrots that I had only ever seen in pictures before. I bought a bird bookA sculpture in Glebe Park at a book shop at the mall later in the day, but while I was at the park I ended up seeing additionally a couple of crimson rosellas, several magpie-larks, a willie wagtail (black bird with a white belly and a long tail that it "wags" frequently), some Australian Magpies, some galahs (they sound much like "bigger" parakeets, and look/act a lot like bigger, parrot-versions of pigeons), some Australian ravens (smaller than normal ravens, and with white eyes!), two Australian king parrots (big green and orangish-red parrots), and a straw-necked ibis! The ibis looked really awesome and I was able to see it from about 40 feet away! It's got a naked black headA Willie Wagtail. Willie wagtails bob their tales and give the general impression of acting similar to an Eastern Phoebe back home. This one was foraging on the ground near some park benches. and then it's dark back feathers have this bright shiny purple and green sheen! I think my picture turned out pretty good of this bird. I also saw some yellow-rumped thornbills -- they act a lot like warblers.

After walking around the park and the mall, I got pretty drained of energy, and felt really starved. I bought some spaghetti and spaghetti sauce at a supermarket and took it back to the hostel where I cooked myself lunch. The spaghetA beautiful straw-necked ibis in Glebe Park. The purple and green sheen on the back of this bird was beautiful!ti and sauce didn't taste very good though, which was kinda weird. I guess they make them different than in the US (different brands too). I had had some McDonald's fries when I was out and about earlier too. My stomach felt kinda bad after I ate the spaghetti though, and a couple hours later it turns out my stomach decided to reject my spaghetti. Yikes. So I ate some crackers and drank water the rest of the day, then went to bed early again.

A male magpie-lark. Both sexes are patterned black and white birds, but the females have a strikingly different pattern of black and white on the head.A friendly Australian Magpie, a really striking black-and-white bird almost the size of a crow


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