I enjoyed sleeping in this morning, then at a relaxed pace, getting around to doing homework. In the afternoon I went for a run. My ankle was feeling fine, but my plantar fascia on my left foot was still bothering me. It doesn't bother me until after I run for a bit, so it's not too bad, but still a little bit inflamed, perhaps, and not cooperating with my desire to run. I ended up running almost 25 minutes then walked the last half mile to stretch out my foot and not stress it too

much. I think I just need to keep resting some more and let it fix itself up. :) This afternoon was beautiful though; partly cloudy and warm. A t-shirt and shorts felt great for running in, and even for just walking. It is definitely starting to turn into spring around here, as some of the shrubs and trees are actually past their peak for blossoms, and are starting to fade. There are some weeping willows along the lake and they are beginning to turn a faint green and shoot out their buds.
This evening I watched an Australian film, The Castle in Jess's room. I need to do a film review or book review for my literary studies class, and I chose a film because it would

take me much less time to get through. I hate writing reviews, however, especially when they are graded on every little detail. This review is going to count for 25% of my final grade in that class. I spent probably four hours trying to figure out how to write it in a format that the lecturer would favorably accept, and also struggled with coming up with what to say to make it ~1000 words (the requirements of this assignment). By about 1:30 am I had finally gotten an approximately 800 word rough draft, and was running into mind-blocks when I tried to figure out ways to fix it so that it sounded better. I decided to leave it for the morning, after a refreshing night of sleep. :)
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