Sunday, August 20, 2006

August 18

Today I enjoyed relaxing and not having to go to class. This afternoon I went for an easy run around Lake Ginninderra, and felt pretty good.

In the evening there was a trivia contest hosted by the resident student's organisaion (RSO) at the labor club. There were prizes for, obviously, the winners of the event, but also for some little contests they had in between rounds of trivia, and for "best dressed table". Trivia was fun, although my team didn't win. A team that dressed up as nerds (go figure) ended up being the winners of trivia. I participated in one of the contests they had, which was going "around" a table without touching the ground. What this contest involved was an elected member from each table that had to attempt to lay on a table, pull him or herself underneath the table and then back onto the top of the table without touching the ground at all. There was probably 7 or 8 of us that actually managed to do that. Then to decide the winner we had to do it agan, only the fastest time won. I ended up doing it successfully the second time, but in twelve seconds. The winner somehow managed to go around the table in only five seconds! It was a fun and different kind of contest.

At the end of the night they announced the winners of the best dressed table... and it turned out to be my table! We had gone dressed wearing togas with leaves wrapped around our heads. There were a variety of costumes but apparently ours were the best. :) We ended up winning a $100 bar tab (drinking's pretty big here in Australia!), and then we each got our own coupons for a free large pizza at dominos, and 20% off two games of bowling. After we collected our prizes we went down and spent some time at the bar for the after party, then came back for the night. I'll have to get some pictures of us in togas from some people to put up on here. :)


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