Thursday, August 24, 2006

August 23

This morning I dragged myself out of bed early enough to get a shower and breakfast before my 8:30am class. I didn't have my normal 3-hour long class this morning though, which was nice. I came back and relaxed a little after my 8:30 class for a few hours. I still had the rest of my classes until 7:30 pm, however. This week in my Data Analysis in Science class we are collecting data for our group projects, so I was required to go to an extra class during my normal afternoon break to collect some of the data. We get to collected data from every tutorial section for the class.

It was definitely a long day today and I was happy when it finally ended at 7:30. Another thing that made me happy was when I was going to my 5:30 pm class, the sun was still hitting some of the buildings on campus. I remember when I first got here it was nearly dark by 5:00pm. I'm glad the days are getting noticably longer now! Yay! :)

In my literary studies tutorial today we talked about our upcoming Australian book/film reviews. We discussed what makes a good review and each brought in examples to talk about. After talking to some people on my floor I decided to review an Australian film called the castle. It's supposed to be a really funny film, kinda old, and I've been warned I may not get all of the Aussie humor. I think it will be interesting to see if I do or not, and it will be interesting to review it from an American's perspective. I just hope the lecturer finds my review acceptable and deserving of a good grade. What they say about it being hard to do really well here is true. With so few assignments making up your final grade, every thing you do is worth a lot. I got back my "audit" today (worth only 10%, fortunately), and I had a "Cr+" written on it. The grading system here goes P (pass) CR (credit) DI (distinction) and HD (high distinction). HD is 85%+, DI is like 70%-85%, and then CR is I think 60-70% and P is 50-60%. So I passed again, that's good. But it's kinda disheartening seeing a "Cr+" and knowing that means I got a 60-something percent. Seems kinda rough to me, but I guess Cr is supposed to be the average and what the vast majority of students get. Oh well. Yay for pass/fail. :-D


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