July 13
This morning I got up early because I had to be up at the Interational Office at 8:00 if I wanted to sign up for the wine-tasting tour or the surfing trip. When I woke up I wasn't feeling either trip, so I took my time eating breakfast and getting things together here at the dorm and then went up finally around 9:00 to get my classes sorted out. I was able to get enrolled into one more of my classes and I hope to get into the other one by tomorrow (I need to get the professor's approval since there are pre-reqs).
At 10:00 there was an information session about how to use the student academic web portal known as OSIS to check your e-mail and register for tutorial sessions. Following this demonstration we were given a presentation by a surfer from Sydney that drove down and talked about beach safety and what the surfing weekend will involve. It turns out the weekend will include all meals, accomodation for two nights, and four two-hour surfing lessons on a 7-mile beach surrounded by mostly park land. After seeing pictures of the beach and realizing all the trip included, I had kind of wished I had signed up. After the presentation was over Kate, the international office lady, mentioned that there were several spots left if any one else wanted to go. I talked to her afterward and had her hold a spot for me since I didn't have my payment/sign up form with me.
This afternoon I went back to the International Office and officially signed up for the surfing trip, so it appears I'll be learning to surf (hopefully!) this spring (fall for you all back in the states). The beach where we'll be
learning to surf sounds very safe and looked beautiful in the pictures. There shouldn't be any of the deadly jellyfish or anything at this beach as there are at the more tropical beaches, and the water is shallower so you can even stand once you're out past the breaking waves. This will be quite advantageous for beginning surfers such as myself. :) While I was at the international office I ended up picking up a free t-shirt that was available for me. Afterward I went to the place where they were making student ID cards and I was able to get my official University of Canberra student ID. On the walk between my dorm and the main area of campus I happened to pass two white-faced herons that were walking around on the lawn foraging for insects. I wished I had my camera as I was able to get within 15 feet of one individual, and the lighting made their soft powder blue-grey feathers look really beautiful. Maybe next time.
At 4:00 PM I went out for a run along Lake Ginninderra. It was perfect running weather and the sun was getting pretty low in the sky. At one point there were some kids feeding the waterfowl along the path. I had to run right through a group of coots, moorhens, black ducks, and black swans as a result, coming within a couple of feet of most of those species. I ended up running to the far end of the lake and turning around, running about 4 miles or so in all. I'm going to have to find out how I can register for a 5K trail run on July 29th that I found out about.
At 10:00 there was an information session about how to use the student academic web portal known as OSIS to check your e-mail and register for tutorial sessions. Following this demonstration we were given a presentation by a surfer from Sydney that drove down and talked about beach safety and what the surfing weekend will involve. It turns out the weekend will include all meals, accomodation for two nights, and four two-hour surfing lessons on a 7-mile beach surrounded by mostly park land. After seeing pictures of the beach and realizing all the trip included, I had kind of wished I had signed up. After the presentation was over Kate, the international office lady, mentioned that there were several spots left if any one else wanted to go. I talked to her afterward and had her hold a spot for me since I didn't have my payment/sign up form with me.
This afternoon I went back to the International Office and officially signed up for the surfing trip, so it appears I'll be learning to surf (hopefully!) this spring (fall for you all back in the states). The beach where we'll be

At 4:00 PM I went out for a run along Lake Ginninderra. It was perfect running weather and the sun was getting pretty low in the sky. At one point there were some kids feeding the waterfowl along the path. I had to run right through a group of coots, moorhens, black ducks, and black swans as a result, coming within a couple of feet of most of those species. I ended up running to the far end of the lake and turning around, running about 4 miles or so in all. I'm going to have to find out how I can register for a 5K trail run on July 29th that I found out about.
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