Sunday, September 24, 2006

September 7 - spring break trip

A black butcherbird.This morning Eyal left to continue his travels around Australia. Upon his recommendation I went down to the local PeterPan’s Travel agency and booked my introductory scuba dive and trip out to the Great Barrier Reef. I’m going bright and early tomorrow. :) After I booked my trip I was allowed to use the internet services that they provided for free, so I took advantage and spent some time on the ‘net catching up with e-mail and what not.

I washed my laundry today for $2 aTropical rainforest!nd hung it out on the clotheslines in the hostel’s yard to dry. I figure I should be able to just squeeze by the rest of the trip without doing laundry again until I get back to Canberra.

This afternoon I took a walk up the Esplanade and used my handy Cairns map to find Centenary Lakes, a place where one of the bird watchers I met the other night said I should go. I walked around for a while at the lakes and saw some cool new birds there, like forest Crikey!kingfishers and black butcherbirds. There was a boardwalk that went through a patch of wet rainforest, so I went on that. It was amazingly jungle-like along that boardwalk, and so lush – I actually felt like I was in a rainforest (and I was! :-D). At one point along the boardwalk I saw an orange-footed scrubfowl scraping up dirt by a fallen tree, which, for some reason, made it seem even more like a tropical forest. I didn’t see too many birds in the rainforest, but the atmosphere and vegetation were pretty amazing. After I was done exploring the Centenary Lakes area I walked back to the Esplanade and all the wA rainbow bee-eater.ay back along the boardwalk and then back to my hostel in Cairns. In all I probably walked around 6-7 miles today.Perhaps the sign wasn't clear enough.A pair of Australasian 'yellow' figbirds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The water is so green it looks like the water you see on cruise commercials and stuff. Was it as warm as it looks? Those are some nice pictures of figbirds. I had a close sighting of a turkey vulture today at the grand canyon but alas no eagle sightings. :( Got some good pictures though.


5:41 AM  

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