Saturday, September 23, 2006

September 5 - spring break trip

My flight took off last night at 11:45pm. I tried sleeping off and on throughout the night, and also during the day. All together I ended up being on four planes today: One from Perth to Melbourne, one from Melbourne to Canberra, one from Canberra to Brisbane, and one from Brisbane to Cairns. My longest layover was only 3 hours, so it wasn’t too bad. After the 2-hours lost flying back to the eastern time zone, all of my layovers, and all of my flights, I ended up arriving in Cairns, Australia, at 4:45pm, which was actually 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled arrival time! I’ve never been more than a few minutes early when I’ve flown before, but typically 30 minutes or so of extra time is scheduled in the flight time, to allow for delays of boarding the plane, turbulence, bad weather, etc.

At the Cairns airport there was a phone where I could call my accommodation for free. I decided to stay at the Asylum hostel as it was cheap, and also offered lots of extras. It was only $17 (Australian) per night, included free internet (15 minute time allotments, assuming the computer was free), a free meal voucher every evening for a nearby bar+restaurant (I had spaghetti tonight), etc. The room they put me in was an 7-bed dorm, and after I arrived all but one bed was filled. I changed into t-shirt and shorts even though it got dark not long after I arrived, because Cairns is in the tropical north of Queensland, which meant that it was quite warm (still 70s when it got dark!). After eating my free meal and checking my e-mail with 15 minutes of free internet, I wandered around a bit, bought a few groceries at the grocery store several blocks away, looked at various travel brochures for the Cairns area, and then went to my dorm to crash early. I ended up going to bed before 10:00pm, and the only person I met was a cool guy named Eyal, a Jewish guy from Israel. It was his second night there, and he said the rest of our roommates consisted of 2 other Israeli guys (whom he hadn’t met until he got there), a German girl, and an Asian girl. I was fast asleep before any of them came in, however, since I was tired from a combination of a full day of traveling and a lack of sleep.


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