Monday, July 24, 2006

July 24

It was annoying getting up this morning and realizing that I had classes again today. I'm not used to ever having more than two day weekend during school, so this whole nearly four-day weekend thing is making me lazy I think. Perhaps after this week, when classes really get rolling, I'll be less lazy and start to feel like the studious guy I should be. :)

Today was rainy most of the day, so I didn't end up going running at all like I had planned. After I was done with classes it was still raining (only a light rain though), and the temperature was only 45 degrees, so I still didn't go running. Maybe I'll run tomorrow. I'm such a bum!

This evening I met Astrid, a girl on my floor from San Diego that just got back from traveling. She seems pretty cool and seems to be really nice. Yay, I'm not the only American on the floor anymore! haha, there's actually a lot of Americans here.. I think there's approximately two on every floor in my building. I have officially met everyone on my floor now, except for the one guy that apparently is never around. It's cool knowing everybody, and it seems much more like a "community" than the dorms back home. Probably because we're forced to share the same kitchen and make our own meals, and as a result we end up hanging out and talking more. Plus Ozzies don't take as many classes as you do at American schools, and drink a lot more, which just causes people to meet and hang out to an even greater extent.

Well, I haven't taken many pictures in a while. I figured I'd better put some up today before you all stop checking my blog because of the boring black and white text. ;) Anyways, todays pictures are of one of the athletic fields with lots of straw-necked ibises (there were 41 on the field!) and a white-faced heron, and the other one is of some Australian coins compared to American coins. From left to right... the U.S. penny on top, with the Australian $2 coin on bottom., the U.S dime on top, and Aussie 10c on the bottom, and then the U.S. nickel above with the Aussie 5c below. I showed another 5c face-up. All of the Australian coins have queen Elizabeth on the front, so they're rather boring. I'll have to get pictures of other coins, and hopefully more clear pictures in the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget to save some change to bring back so I can give it to dad...he'd love it!


11:56 PM  

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