Friday, July 21, 2006

July 20

At 8:30 in the morning I had my first and only class of the day, and my final class this week! It was my intro to exercise science class. The professor is a young guy, and I found out today that he pretty much just flies through powerpoints without always explaining everything. He also talks fairly fast. I guess it's kinda understandable as he is a new professor (this is only his second year teaching), but it's too bad he's not better. It's an intro-level course, and he pretty much flew really fast through all of the physiology behind muscle movements. I understood what he was talking about because I took physiology back at Mansfield, but I talked to a few people next to me that were getting pretty lost, because they had never had any of that before. Who knows how this class is going to go. I'm going to buy the book so I can hopefully fill in any gaps that might be created by his teaching style, and by the fact that I'm going to miss this class every Wednesday due to a class conflict with a "more important" class. :)

In the afternoon I went for a run along Lake Ginninderra again this afternoon. I decided to step up my training a little, and I spent about 10 minutes of my run (right in the middle of the run) doing a sort of "fartlek" workout, where I ran semi-hard for 30 seconds, then jogged slow for 1 minute, then repeated the cycle. After 10 minutes of this I did my "cool down" back to the dorms and in all ran about 30 minutes. At one point on my run I looked across to a pretty big open field, and I was able to see some animals that looked somewhat deer-like in the distance. I watched to see some of them move, and my suspicions were confirmed -- they were kangaroos. Scattered around inseveral groups across the field, I managed to count 19 kangaroos of various sizes. The largest ones were about deer-sized, and all of them were the color of white-tailed deer in winter. I guess they are probably gray kangaroos? Hopefully I'll get to see some 'roos more up close in the future.

In the evening they had a talent show at the unibar (i.e. the university's bar) on campus. There were some talented musicians, dancers, and other performers, as well as some people that just wer there for sheer entertainment purposes. One guy balanced a bike, a chair, and a big keyboard (one at a time of course) all on his chin, and then he balanced a knife (point-first) on his nose. A girl played the accordian. They had a dance-off. It was fun. The sound system was horrible though, so you could hardly hear the announcers or the performers because everyone was really loud. I stayed for a little while and talked with a few people after the show was over, then came back to the dorm to let my ears recover from the noise, and to go to bed.


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